E-bill makes receiving your bill and making payments via the internet easy. Instead of getting your monthly statement via mail, you will get it by email then simply pay online. Once you go paperless, All West offers two different forms for payment; you can setup auto-pay or simply review and pay your bill each month using SmartHub. Smarthub is an online portal that lets you check your statements, pay your bills, view your current services, see available promotions and allows you to make changes to your account.
When you sign up for e-bill and auto-pay, you help keep the environment green. Not only by saving trees but you can reduce gas emissions as well.
According to Javeline Strategy & Research, if every American household decided to go paperless, then the impact will be huge. For example:
- Saving 23 million tons of wood, or 16.5 million trees
- Lowering four billion tons of emissions (Greenhouse gases)
- Eliminates 1.6 billion pounds of solid waste.
Also, when you sign up for e-bills and auto-pay before April 30th you have a chance to win $500 in cash! So what are you waiting for? You can help our planet and have a chance for extra cash.
To sign up for e-billing, go to: https://allwest.smarthub.coop/Login.html#login:, call us at 866-255-9578 or chat live with one of our Customer service representatives at www.allwest.com
Thanks for helping us Go Green!