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Do you know what The Internet of Things (IoT) means?

Let's make this simple – The internet of things is the next evolution of the Internet. Think of any device with on and off switch or connection to the internet, for example: smartphones, coffee makers, washing machine, refrigerator, computers, lightbulbs, and anything else you can think of. IoT is a huge network that connects devices with devices, devices with people and people with other people.  In 4 years Cisco IBSG predicts there will be over 50 billion devices connected.

The Internet of Things will have a huge impact to everyone's lives in the next few years, which can help people, businesses and society on a daily basis. 

To learn more about IoT go to: A Simple Explanation Of 'The Internet Of Things'

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HD vs SD

The difference in having an HD (High Definition) or SD (Standard Definition) channel is the number of pixels contained in the image on display. In general this means HD gives you more details and a much finer picture than SD. There is a bit more to it but instead of boring you with details, we decided to show you! The image on the left side is of a TV displaying an HD channel and the image on the right is of a TV with a SD channel. You can see for yourself the difference in quality and clarity. ​

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What is an e-bill and why is it so important?

E-bill makes receiving your bill and making payments via the internet easy. Instead of getting your monthly statement via mail, you will get it by email then simply pay online. Once you go paperless, All West offers two different forms for payment; you can setup auto-pay or simply review and pay your bill each month using SmartHub. Smarthub is an online portal that lets you check your statements, pay your bills, view your current services, see available promotions and allows you to make changes to your account.

When you sign up for e-bill and auto-p​ay, you help keep the environment green. Not only by saving trees but you can reduce gas emissions as well.

According to Javeline Strategy & Research, if every American household decided to go paperless, then the impact will be huge. For example:

  • Saving 23 million tons of wood, or 16.5 million trees
  • Lowering four billion tons of emissions (Greenhouse gases)
  • ​Eliminates 1.6 billion pounds of solid waste.

Also, when you sign up for e-bills and auto-pay before April 30th you have a chance to win $500 in cash! So what are you waiting for? You can help our planet and have a chance for extra cash.

To sign up for e-billing, go to:, call us at 866-255-9578 or chat live with one of our Customer service representatives at

Thanks for helping us Go Green!

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Whole Home DVR

Isn't it great that you can record a movie or TV show in your bedroom and watch it later in your living room with the rest of the family? Or start watching a movie in your living room and finish it exactly where you left off in your bed? With Whole Home DVR, all this is possible! All set top boxes in the household can record programs and view live or pre-recorded shows from any room in the house.

You can set a recording from connected set top boxes in the household, not just the DVR. You need one DVR in the household because it actually does the recording and storing functions for all the non-DVR set top boxes.

To view the list of Whole Home DVR recording go to the Menu bar, select the DVR icon and press OK on your remote. Recordings appear as the first listing under DVR. Select it and press OK to bring up the list. When viewing the list of Whole Home DVR recording on a non-DVR set top box, the Whole Home icon will appear next to the program's name. All set top boxes will have access to the recording.

To learn more about Whole Home DVR go to your Digital Video User guide page 31.

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4 things you didn’t know you can do with your USB drive

Did you know that you can use your USB drive for more than just saving files? It can also help optimize your computer speed or even help clean out the memory in your cellphone.

1.Use your USB drive to protect your important documents by creating a password using software called BitLocker. The encryption and makes it very hard to gain access to your files without your consent.

2. It also can be used as a "key" to open your computer. Use software like "Predador" encode your device, so when you unplug the USB from your computer your device will be locked right way. To access your device, you just need to plug in your USB drive again!

3. To expand your computer's memory, you'll just need a USB drive that is at least 2GB or higher with a program called eBoostr. Your computer will recognize the USB memory as an extension of its own, making the computer run programs with more efficiency.

4. You can find USB drives that are made for cellphones or you can find USB adapters to fit the device, like a "USB to micro-USB" adapter.

Just a quick reminder, before you download any software make sure that the website is a trusted and secure site.​

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4 ways to help keep your computer healthy

Today's blog post will help you by keeping your computer healthy and running the way it's supposed to without any surprises along the way.

1. Keep your anti-virus active and updated - Every computer needs a good anti-virus to protect itself from malware. Installing an anti-virus software isn't enough, you also have to keep it updated so you're protected from the latest threats.

2. Update your system and software regularly - Updating when necessary will help the performance of your computer. If you receive a notification that an update is available, make sure to run the update sooner rather than later.

3. Have strong passwords - It's better to have symbols (like @ or #) and/or capitalized letters in your passwords to prevent anyone from getting access to your personal information.

4. Clean your computer from unwanted software - Excess software can make your computer run slowly. Every couple of months, make sure to look at your list of installed programs and remove any that you either don't use or simply doesn't belong. This will help save space on your hard drive and you'll have a better running computer because of

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TV On My Side

If you've ever wondered about your cable bill increases or loss of channels, keep reading to find out why this might be happening. Cable providers are constantly negotiating with networks to keep their channels in your line-up. If we find out, from our customers, that the increase they are asking for is not worth their channels, then we chose not to renew the contracts. Some networks ask for very large price increases, at times over a 100% increase to renew the contract.  As a cable provider we strive to provide TV at a very affordable price while providing the channels you want most. Your input is priceless, to let us know how you feel about some of these topics please go to the site posted below, then fill out the survey there at the bottom of the page.

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